Ears per acre jumps concurrently. An average row width of 30 inches most common. With an average of 30,750 plants per acre as of November, Iowa corn producers planted the highest density per acre, besting...
In late December, the American Guernsey Association stopped by the Hoard's Dairyman farm to conduct an appraisal of all cows that had calved since October
Fresh less then a month, both calved before their 13th birthday. In late December, the American Guernsey Association stopped by the Hoard's Dairyman farm to conduct an appraisal of all cows that had calved...
The dairy industry can be unpredictable at times, but the milk production trend from the major states is one of the most predictable, even at the month level. With genetic progress and new management techniques...
One of the dairy industry's best-known personalities, Doug Maddox, passed away this morning in his office after a massive heart attack. A vibrant person until his last day, Doug had a personality that...
Will dairies with meat residue violations also have antibiotic residues in their bulk tanks? In an attempt to answer this question, in 2012, the FDA will relaunch its program to test for antibiotic residues...
Since genomics burst onto the scene in 2008, the dairy genetics sector has been under constant flux. This seismic change brought on by genomics caused some leaders to investigate a new long-term approach...
Last Wednesday BeefBoardMeeting.com reminded us that checkoff events are free to anyone who pays the checkoff. You, too, are likely a paying checkoff member as $1 per head per transaction is collected...
It was yet another preeminent national symposium whose sound-bites you didn't see on the evening news. Agriculture and facts are never sexy enough for TV unless people are sick, animals are abused, or...
Top 50 genomic Holstein bulls are all over 788 Net Merit. Genomics is accelerating the pace of genetic change. In the Holstein breed, it took a Net Merit (NM$) score of 788 to make the top 50 list among...
In 2011 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced it was working on a local emphasis program (LEP) for inspecting Wisconsin dairy farms
In the 23 major dairy states, milk production totals during October rolled in at 15.2 billion pounds. Compared to the same month in 2010, production was up 2.5 percent (0.4 billion pounds) from 14.8 billion...
The questions aren’t difficult to answer, but the answer is becoming ever more important. That was our view of a new assessment put out by Pfizer. If you’re at all interested in the risk...
Brandon Solano became Vice-President, Marketing and Innovation with Domino's Pizza in early 2008. (He is now Vice President, Development.) That occurred at the same time that the 2008 financial crisis...
Farmers are given the task of protecting and perpetuating the productivity of land and its natural resources. Those who rely on the soil for their livelihood are taking care of the land today and for future...
Too cheap for too long, dairy producers have tended to take energy costs for granted. But no more. If the U.S. gas shortages of 1973 and 1979 were warnings of things to come, $4 diesel is proof that the...
The deadline, November 1, 2011, is quickly approaching for anyone who grows alfalfa to share their experiences with and opinions on the Roundup Ready product
Leader, problem solver, teacher, and cowman. These are all words that easily describe the career of Dr. Leland Allenstein who passed away on October 22. Dr. Allenstein's influence on students, veterinarians,...
And the tie goes to. . . Cornell In a rare tie in the National Intercollegiate Dairy Judging Contest, the Cornell and Virginia Tech teams both racked up 2,485 points. This was the second-ever tie in the...